TIQD#13 - Ramayana of the South - Kamba Ramayanam
Written by : T.I.Q.D Team
Dated: December 26,2017
Ramayana of the South - Kamba Ramayanam
TIQD#13 - Ramayana of the South - Kamba Ramayanam
#incredibleindia #theindianquest #ramayana #kamba #ramavataram #bhakti #movement #tamil #classic #literature #chola #period #history
Do you know that there is a Ramayana in the southern India?! Ramavataram or Kamba Ramayana written by the famous Tamil poet Kamba in 9th century during Uttama Chola's reign is considered a classic piece of literature. Though there are controversies regarding it's date of composition but the 1977 Kamban Committee fixed it around end of 9th century. As Kamban knew Sanskrit and there was a then contemporary Bhakti movement prevalent in Tamil Nadu with Saivism and Vaishnavs, this version of Ramayana portrays Rama as an incarnation of Thirumal, the Supreme God.