TIQD#30 - The Only Active Diamond Mines - Panna

Written by : T.I.Q.D Team
Dated: December 26,2017

#incredibleindia #theindianquest #diamonds #mines #panna #bundelkhand #princelystate #jewelry #history

Do you know that beside the famous Golconda diamond mines, there were other diamond mines in India and still active?

In the erstwhile princely state of Panna, diamond mines existed since the days of Mahabharata and before the arrival of Rajputs in the region, it was the Gond tribe who had the knowledge of diamond mining locally. Since Chhatrashaal founded the kingdom in 17th century, due to blessings from spiritual guru Prannathji, diamond mining is still continuing even today. Private mining was prevalent before 1947 and revenues from diamond consisted of the major chunk of Panna state treasury. Some of the best diamonds from Panna mines form the heirloom jewelry for the Panna royal family even today. The second largest diamond in the world ever discovered was from Panna. Currently, the mine are still active and maintained by National Mineral Development Corporation.