TIQD#40 - The Black Hole Mystery of Calcutta
Written by : T.I.Q.D Team
Dated: December 26,2017
Black hole incident of 1756
#incredibleindia #theindiaquest #theblackhole #battleofplassey #nawab #bengal #sirajuddaullah #robertclive
Do you know that the black hole particles in physics is named after the black hole incident of Calcutta of 1756?!
Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddaullah felt threatened by the interference of British traders in Bengal politics. In 1756, he sent 30000 soldiers who captured the old Fort William which was in modern day Dalhousie in Kolkata. The fort at the time of seize had only 143 soldiers. The soldiers were locked by the Nawabs troops in an 18ft by 14 ft lock up room. Now there is a debate on the numbers being locked up in that room. But it is of no doubt that due to excess heat and suffocation within such a small space, within one night 80% of the locked people died. In the morning, though 21 people were found alive but Robert Clive fulfilled his revenge through Battle of Plassey in 1757!!
Image - Rob Cavendish